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We work hard to include all longitudinal Health and Retirement studies as part of the Gateway. We focus on studies which were harmonized ex-ante with the family of international Health and Retirement studies. For studies currently included in the Gateway, see our Surveys at a Glance page. If there is a particular study you would like us to include, please write to us at help@g2aging.org.

If you used any of the Harmonized Data or Codebooks in a written analysis, then please include the following acknowledgement in your written work (We also ask that you send an email to papers@g2aging.org to inform our team of any written analysis) :

"This analysis uses data or information from the Harmonized [Study] dataset and Codebook, Version [Letter] as of [Month & Year] developed by the Gateway to Global Aging Data. The development of the Harmonized [Study] was funded by the National Institute on Aging (R01 AG030153, RC2 AG036619, 1R03AG043052). For more information, please refer to www.g2aging.org."

If you used a working paper on cross-country comparability, then please cite the paper; for example,

"Jain U, Min J, Lee J. Harmonization of cross-national studies of aging to the Health and Retirement Study - user guide: Family transfer - informal care. University of Southern California, CESR-Schaeffer Working Paper Series No. 2016-008. Published January 2016."

If you used a graph, table, or map, then please cite the following:

"This graph uses data from the Gateway to Global Aging Data (g2aging.org). The Gateway to Global Aging Data is funded by the National Institute on Aging (R01 AG030153)."

If you used cross-study or longitudinal concordance information, recent presentations, or other tools on the Gateway to Global Aging Data, then please cite the following:

"Gateway to Global Aging Data, Produced by the Program on Global Aging, Health & Policy, University of Southern California with funding from the National Institute on Aging (R01 AG030153)."

We currently produce internationally harmonized datasets for many studies. Many of these Harmonized datasets are distributed by the original study along with their study data. For studies that do not distribute Harmonized datasets, we distribute a Stata program for users to download which transforms the original survey data into the Harmonized dataset. For more information on downloading a Harmonized dataset or the Stata code to create a Harmonized dataset, please see our Download Data and Links page.

The Gateway does not generally provide data to download. Most studies included in the Gateway distribute their own data and the Harmonized datasets we create. Instead, the Gateway seeks to provide as much information as possible about each survey's questionnaires, methodology, design, and about their similarities and differences. We also provide the codebooks and Stata creation code for each Harmonized dataset on our website. For links to download data or the Harmonized datasets please see our Download Data and Links page. The Gateway does distribute study data for the Longitudinal Aging Study in India (LASI) and the Costa Rican Longevity and Healthy Aging Study (CRELES). To download LASI data, see our LASI Downloads page. To download the Harmonized CRELES, visit our CRELES Downloads page.